The theater community at large can lend a vitally important helping hand to child welfare in the Lehigh Valley.

The director of Lehigh County Office of Children, Youth Services is seeking folks who can sew and asking if they can make masks for the investigators to wear when they enter homes.

fabric hospital mask 13

LCOC&YS is required to conduct investigations of all suspected cases of suspected child abuse and neglect within 72 hours of a report. The Office investigates 1000s of reported cases each year.

The investigators, numbering more than 100, must meet with the alleged victims and alleged perpetrators, more often than not, in their homes.

In this this time of the growing virus epidemic, these mandated investigations place all the involved parties in potential peril.

Who knows more about sewing than cast members, crew, and volunteers of our regional theater companies'

If you are interested in helping ASAP, please let us know by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This is an urgent need.

For more information, please check out this link for Maskforce at

For additional information on mask making, visit

Also, check out