What’s the Conversation'

Representatives from the University of Turin’s Social Community Theatre Center (Italy) lead a discussion about their work, history, methodologies, and challenges in creating community-based art.

This conversation is open to arts professionals, students, and citizens from all walks.conversation 1

There will also be time given for audience/community members to share their experiences with social innovation and community-building through the arts.

The conversation will take place Saturday, November 10, 1-3p at Touchstone Theatre

What’s the Workshop'

Following the conversation, local arts and arts-education professionals are invited to take part in a workshop that presents Social Community Theatre Center’s methodologies in a more active setting.

Participants will practice sharing, listening, physical work, and narrative storytelling.

Using the framework of Franz Kafka’s Amerika, participants will experience how Social Community Theatre works with a wide variety of participants— students, nonprofessionals, and so forth— to create artwork that reflects universal themes like youth, migration, and acceptance.

The workshops will take place as a two-part residency, Saturday, November 10, 3-6p and Sunday, November 11, 1-6p at Touchstone Theatre

What is Caravan Next'

CARAVAN NEXT (2015-19) is a large-scale collaborative project by thirteen European partners, led by the Social Community Theatre Center (University of Turin) and Odin Teatret, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

caravan 1It’s a large-scale discussion and sharing process for professional artists and local communities revolving around engaging audiences through social and cultural empowerment.

During the project, theatre organizations and cultural institutions from sixteen European countries have created over 200 artistic events, involving 80,000 citizens, across generations, social strata, and racial divides.

Simply put, Caravan Next is an organized effort for Social Community Theatre - theatre professionals making theatre with communities as a means for empowerment.

You can find out more about Caravan Next on their website and on Facebook.

Interested in joining us for either or both events'

RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; there is no cost to participate.