Let the old codger kiss the bride. What harm could it possibly do?

town and country 3   Well, in PRELUDE TO A KISS, this one not-so-simple kiss results in a switching of the souls.

  The bride looks like herself on the outside, but she's really a dying old man. Her new husband is clueless at the start...but then the story gets even more interesting!

  Described as "a modern fairy-tale," PRELUDE TO A KISS, opens at Town and Country Players on Friday, September 21 and plays weekend evenings at 8 PM through October 9 with two Sunday matinees on September 23 and 30 at 3 PM.

  Director Jon Knapp has assembled a fine cast here, includingVincent Pileggi as Peter; opposite him is Roseanne Enright as Rita. Colin Jenei portrays the old man. Others in the cast are Bruce Perlman, Devin Christian, Linda Walsh, Gene Petrucci, Ann D'Silva, Mary Ann Wylie, Hilton Gieseke, Ryan Beebe, Melissa Mongi, Caitlin Harding, Melanie Eyth and Rachel Robinson.

  The production team includes Victoria Schultheis, Producer; Don Brown, Stage Manager; and Scott Monsees, Lighting design.

  Reserved seat tickets at $15 are available at the door, by calling 1-800-838-3006 or through www.brownpapertickets.com/event/213789.