"E-Love", written by Wayland Pickard, and now playing at Pines Dinner Theatre, is a lovely little romp reminiscent of "Love Letters'. Consider this the email version!

"E-Love" is playing at The Pines Dinner Theatre, 448 N 17th St, Allentown, PA through March 8.

Two mid-thirties singles, both of whom have recently escaped unpleasant relationships, conclude they have had enough of single lives and feel driven to give the on-line dating site, E-Love.com, a try in their quest for more suitable matches.

They share the somewhat unusual compulsion to have discussions with their pets, weighing the pros and cons of cyber-dating, before taking the leap.

Frank talks to his turtle, although he is not quite sure if it is dead or alive, about love and failed relationships. Carol converses with her lonely, little goldfish, who is seen darting about in its tiny fish bowl.

In quick progression, the two meet one another on-line and begin to chat.

Make no mistake about the two actors in this play: James Sheahan, as Frank, and Kaitlyn Morgan, as Carol, are incredibly winning.

Sheahan is wonderfully expressive, as a man trying to regain the courage to get back into the dating scene. His voice and timing are simply impeccable.

Morgan plays Carol with an the same precision, vitality, and appeal.

And E'Love the play itself is a refreshingly entertaining, if light, musical comedy sharply directed by Oliver Blatt and under the baton of Stacey Bechtel.

Tickets include a choice of four entree's for dinner, with salad and dessert. (Show-only tickets are also available) Pines Dinner Theatre now sells alcoholic beverages, as well.

Tickets are available by calling call the box-office at 610-433-2333 or on the web at pinesdinnertheatre.com