Sin, Sex, and the C.I.A., Worthington Players production of the Michael and Susan Parker farce, is presently in performance at Shawnee Playhouse.

In this physical comedy, an inept CIA agent and an under Secretary of State are sent to a safe house in the mountains of Virginia to begin negotiations to place the Chagos Islands under U.S. protection.

Unfortunately, no one knows who the islands' representative really is!Paul Ben Patrick and Alicia with bucket

To further complicate the negotiations, there are multiple misunderstandings, missed cues and unwanted romantic attentions.

This show features Ben Cramer as Luke James, Allison Hunt as Margaret Johnson, Patrick McGuire as the Reverend Samuel Abernathy, Alicia Osborn as Heather Ann Faraday, Paul Prelovsky as Daniel Warren, Emily Daning as Milicent and Elizabeth Guarnieri as Ranger Don / Donna Yarid.

Director is Midge McClosky, Stage Manager is Elizabeth Guarnieri, David Schappert is Production Manager and Aaron Pappalardo is Technical Assistant.

Performances are through May 19, 2013.

Ticket Prices are $18 Adults, and $15 for Seniors over 55; AAA Members and Military; and $10 for children 12 and under

To reserve tickets please call the Shawnee Playhouse Box Office at 570-421-5093

or visit the website at