Crowded Kitchen Players will hold auditions for Alexander Ostranskys "Too Clever By Half", winner of the 1988 Olivier Award for best comedy performance, on April 14th from 7:00pm - 8:30pm at McCooles Arts and Events Place, 10 S. Main St. Quakertown, PA.

Set in 1860's Moscow, it is a farce about a poor young man, Yegor Glumov, so determined to climb to the highest rungs of Russian society that he will resort to any manner of flattery, lying, and cheating to get there.

But, his precarious position at the top of that ladder is threatened when the detailed diary of his scheming falls into the hands of the social elite he has deceived.

"Too Clever By Half" will run June 13-29 at McCooles.

Needed are 9 Men/5 Women ages 20 and older.

All roles are open.

Auditioners will be asked to perform cold readings from the script.

Also needed are a stage manager, set builders and box office volunteers.

For more information or directions, please call 610-395-7176, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit