Crowded Kitchen Players will hold auditions for its' holiday production, the romantic comedy, 'Parfumerie' by Miklos Laszlo and adapted by E.P. Dowdall , on Wednesday, Oct.3 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at McCoole's Arts & Events Place.

The play that inspired the movies "The Shop Around the Corner" and "You've Got Mail", and the musical 'She Loves Me', follows the tangled tale of a Parfumerie employee who discovers that he has fallen in love through a secret correspondence with a co-worker with whom he constantly feuds.   

 For the employees of the Parfumerie, only the truth can lead to a happy resolution in this old-fashioned, romantic Christmas tale.

'Parfumerie' will run Nov. 30 - Dec. 16th at McCoole's Arts & Events Place.    Needed: 5 women (ages 20 - senior) and 10 men (ages 15 - senior).  

All roles are open, and actors will be asked to read from the script.

Also needed are stage manager, light / sound person, set builders and box office/concession help.

For more information or directions, please call 610.395.7176, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit