Crowded Kitchen Players will hold auditions for their farcical adaptation of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" on September 19th at McCooles Arts and Events Place, 10 S. Main St. Quakertown, PA.

"A Christmas Carol" will run Dec. 6-22 at McCooles.

Needed are children 8 years and older, and adults of all ages. All roles are open.

Children should come prepared to recite or read material of their own choosing.

The rest of the auditioners will be asked to perform cold readings from the script.

Children up to age 15 may audition from 7:00pm to 7:45pm.

Individuals 16 years and older may audition from 7:45 to 8:30pm.

Also needed are a stage manager, set builders and box office volunteers.

For more information or directions, please call 610-395-7176, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit