Auditions for DCP Theatre's production of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution" will be held at the theatre (795 Ridge Rd Telford, PA) September 13 and 14 at 7:30 PM. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to start time to sign in and fill out paperwork. No appointment needed. Auditions will be readings from selected scenes. PDF copies of the scenes are available on the theatre's Facebook page ( and on the theatre's website after July 26. All roles are non-union and non-paid. Headshot and resume appreciated, but not required.

"Witness for the Prosecution" performances are November 6, 7, 8*, 13, 14, 15*, 19, 20, 21. Friday and Saturday performances at 8 PM. *Sunday matinees at 2 PM.Contact Director Casey Gerhart:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. BreakdownPlease note- the play is set in England in 1953 therefore, all characters need a British accent unless otherwise noted.Principal Roles• Sir Wilfrid Robarts, Q.C.- (50-55 yrs. Old) The lead defense attorney for Leonard Vole. He is level headed, confident, very experienced, highly respected and admired.• Mr. John Mayhew- (Early 40's) Leonard Vole's solicitor. He is shrewd, dry, and precise. His professionalism is balanced by friendliness and sincere concern.• Leonard Vole- (26-30 yrs. Old) Husband of Romaine Heilger, he is accused of murdering Emily French. He is extremely likeable, charming and a bit naïve. Under his engaging boyish charm is a sharp mind with a knack for manipulating people.• Romaine Heilger- (35-40 yrs. Old) Wife of Leonard Vole. She is a German actress. She is highly intelligent, passionate, resourceful, strong, and mysterious. (Romaine disguises herself as another woman at one point and she uses a British accent for that scene).Supporting Roles• *Carter- (60+ yrs. Old) Sir Wilfrid's head clerk. He is serious, proper, steeped in tradition, organization, and rules.• *Greta- (late teens/early 20's) Sir Wilfrid's typist. Young, naïve, and inexperienced. Has a high opinion of herself.• Detective Inspector Hearne- (late 30's/early 40's) The lead investigator of the murder. He is polite, professional and confident in the evidence and his testimony.• Mr. Myers, Q.C.- (Middle aged) The court prosecutor. He is somewhat smug and has had a rivalry with Sir Wilfrid for years.• *Mr. Justice Wainwright- (60+ yrs. Old) The Judge presiding over Leonard's trial. He is knowledgeable and fair.• Clerk of the Court- 20+years old/any gender• Foreman of the Jury- 20+ yrs. old/any gender• Policeman/Plain Clothes Detective- Male, any age• Warder- Male, any age• Dr. Wyatt- (30's/early 40's) Police surgeon who gives testimony in court.• Janet Mackenzie- (50+ yrs. Old) Friend and housekeeper of the deceased, Emily French for 20 years. She is a tough Scottish lady, respectable, loyal, and hard working.• Thomas Clegg- (20's/early 30's) Forensic analyst who gives testimony in court. *Denotes a role that will be doubled.