Civic Theatre of Allentown is currently looking for actors for its June 2018 production of Dog Sees God'.

All roles are currently open.

Auditions will be held on Tuesday, March 20th at 7:30 PM in the upstairs rehearsal studio in Civic’s historic 19th Street Theatre.

Actors are asked to bring a current picture/headshot and resume (if applicable) to the audition.CivicLogo 2016 Color Icon

Actors may prepare a brief monologue if they choose, but this is not necessary.

We will be doing cold readings at the auditions. Sides will be available on the day of auditions.

If needed, callbacks will be Wednesday, March 21st at 7:30 PM in the upstairs rehearsal studio as well.

This production will take place across the street from our 19th Street Theatre in Theatre 514. Directed by William Sanders.

Performance Dates

June 15th – 24th, 2018


When his beloved beagle is destroyed after a rabid rampage, CB is plunged into such a depression that a literal raincloud starts to follow him around.

Suddenly introspective and concerned with the afterlife, he is no longer satisfied with his high school status as a good-looking bully.

Writing without hope to a childhood pen pal who has never written back, CB confesses his doubts and fears, and describes his daily interactions with his community: his angst-ridden performance artist sister, aggressive buddy Matt, mean girls Marcy and Tricia, and stoned philosopher Van.

When he unexpectedly connects with Beethoven, a childhood friend who had become a target of his group’s homophobic bullying, CB thinks he’s found both a relationship and a means to rebel against his predictable, doormat persona… but he may have to lose everything to gain peace of mind.

Sex, drugs, suicide, bullying, mental illness, toxic friendships, rebellion and sexual identity collide toward an ending that’s both haunting and hopeful in this heartfelt comedic drama and strong ensemble piece which explores the challenges of high school, and growing up.

*Please note strong sexual situations and raw language are used in this production*

Character Breakdowns

*All ages 18-25 but able to play teenagers*

CB (Male): The handsome bully. Modern-day Charlie Brown. CB has just lost his dog, Snoopy, to rabies and is dealing with his newly discovered sexuality, created by his new friendship with Beethoven. Over the course of the show, he learns to go against the status quo that his friends have established, and learns some lifelong lessons in the end. He is thoughtful, internally conflicted, and somewhat the peacemaker who narrates the story with his notes to his Pen Pal.

CB’s Sister (Female): A goth version of Sally Brown, who is the head of the Drama Club, which no one shows up for. She is intense and passionate about a new project she is embarking on and about gay rights, and although she has the outer image of being tough, experienced, and almost mean, she has a soft, innocent part of her that comes out in different parts of the show.

Van (Male): Van is a modern-day Linus, whose blanket has been burned. He now uses the ashes to roll marijuana. He is a serious pothead, who is not seen much with the group of friends, but alone, by himself, looking for people to smoke with him.

Van’s Sister (Female): Van’s Sister is the modern-day Lucy, who we discover used to date CB and is now in an institution because she burned the Little Red Headed Girl’s hair off. She is spunky, tough, but vulnerable because of a major secret she has been hiding: she is pregnant. She loves that CB has come into his own and is discovering himself; no matter who he is she will always be there for him.

Matt (Male): CB’s best friend. Matt is the most homophobic, offensive person in the play. As the school bully, he makes it his mission to scare people, especially Beethoven, who he ends up getting into many fights with. He spends his time partying with Tricia and Marcy and getting angry with people who call him by his old nickname, PigPen. He is tough, big, and a typical jock.

Beethoven (Male): Beethoven is the victim of the bullying at school. He hangs out alone in the chorus room, playing new pieces, and isolating himself from the lunchroom, where Matt might find him. He is gay, but is not flamboyant; he has had many struggles with his sexuality in his life, making him dark, closed, and conflicted.

Marcy (Female): The dumb-blonde. She enjoys partying, and hanging out with her best friend, Tricia, and gossiping about Fat Frieda. She is extremely homophobic, along with Matt and Tricia. She is ditsy and spacey.

Tricia (Female): Tricia is the school slut, who pours vodka into her orange juice bottles at school, and has threesomes willingly whenever, and wherever. She is the smarter of her friends and she has no problem expressing how disgusted she is by fat people, homosexuals, and sometimes Marcy.

*Please note strong sexual situations and raw language are used in this production*