DCP Theatre will hold auditions for its February 2020 production of 'Miss Nelson is Missing' on November 17-18, 2019 at DCP Theatre. Performance dates of February 28-March 8.


Miss Nelson loves her job as an elementary school teacher but her students are such trouble makers! Until one day Miss Nelson goes on leave and her class is taken over by the dreadful substitute Miss Viola SWAMP! The kids quickly realize how lucky they were to have such a great teacher and comedy ensues as they try to figure out what happened to her.

For information, visit https://www.dcptheatre.com/auditions


Adults - 2 Women, 2 Men

Miss Nelson (20s - 30s) - Sweet, Kind and perfect in every way. An elementary school teacher who loves her job and loves her students but is getting taken advantage of by her students. Isn’t a push over but has trouble asserting herself.

Miss Viola Swamp (20s - 30s) - Comically over the top. Mean and cruel. Remember the teacher in grade school that everyone dreaded' That’s Miss Swamp.

Principal Humleker (40s - 60s) - The Principal of the elementary school. Very proud of his position at the top of the food chain. Principal Humleker also has a song, but if you do not have a great singing voice, that can just make the character all the funnier.

Detective McSmogg (20s - 60s) - Confident, no nonsense but also clueless. Leslie Nielsen type.

Kids - 3 Girls, 4 Boys (all 8 - 10 years old)

Raymond - Smart but an outsider. The other kids pick on him. Miss Nelson is Missing Artwork with dates

Phoebe - Shy and nerdy. Much like Raymond, she’s smart and an outsider. Likes Raymond.

George Jorgenson Jr - athlete, popular boy

Kimberly - Upscale, classy, popular girl. When Miss Nelson’s class gets to high school, Kimberly will be the head cheerleader.

Morris (or Mouse) - Little guy, runs in all the circles. Tries to stick with George.

Lavita - Little spit fire. Tom boy. Just as likely to punch you in the nose as say something nice about you.

Elvis - Weird. Stands out, A LOT. Like his namesake, Elvis acts like a greaser from the 50s even though he’s a student in 2020.