A male actor, any age 35 and older, is needed to play the supporting role of the Malcom Jacoby (Jacob Marley) character in Brian McDermott's Christmas comedy, 'Tidings- A Fractured Christmas Fable',' which will be presented December 5 through December 20 in Allentown, PA by Crowded Kitchen Players.picture

The show will be performed at Zion's Reformed UCC, site of CKP's recent critically acclaimed production, 'The Brothers Tortellini', at 620 W. Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA, located in the heart of the arena district.

"Tidings “ A Fractured Christmas Fable" is an original play by popular Lehigh Valley playwright Brian McDermott and is being directed by Ara Barlieb.

For information, please write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 610-395-7176.