Pennsylvania Playhouse is seeking performers for the roles of BJ, Connie and Neil for their production of "The 1940's Radio Hour". Auditions are scheduled for Oct. 9 from noon until 2:00 pm at the Playhouse on Illick's Mill Rd. Auditioners should come prepared to sing 16 bars of a ballad AND an up-tempo tune in the 1940's big band style. Please bring sheet music, an accompanist will be provided. NO pre-recorded accompaniment or a cappella auditions, please. You will also be asked to read from the script.

Character Breakdown:Neil Tilden: vocal range - baritone: The radio station comic, drives a cab. Son of the wealthy Tildens of Grammercy Park but was cut out of the will for being "a bum in show business". Sings harmony on numerous songs, comedy solo on "Blue Moon" and handles the comedy sketch routine. Physical comedy skills a plus for this character.

Connie Miller: vocal range – soprano: Bobbysoxer from Ogden, Utah. Naïve, enthusiastic, always in love. "Seriously dating" BJ Gibson. Should be able to move well, jitterbug and tap a plus for this character. Sings solos on "Daddy" and "The 5 O'clock Whistle" and harmony for numerous songs. An elevator operator at the Astor Hotel during the day.

BJ Gibson: vocal range - baritone: The third of the Gibson brothers to work at the radio station. Preppy, a student at Yale who commutes to the weekend rehearsals and Monday night performances at WOV. Dating Connie Miller. Should be able to move well, jitterbug and tap a plus for this character. Solos on "You Go To My Head", duet on "How About You" and harmony for numerous songs.

Rehearsals for the show are scheduled for Monday – Thursday from 7:00 – 9:30 pm through October and November. The show opens Dec. 2 and runs weekends through Dec. 18. For more details and to schedule an audition on Oct. 9 please contact the show director: Beth Breiner: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 484-838-0054.