Pennsylvania Playhouse announces open auditions for "To Kill A Mockingbird" directed by George B. Miller.

Auditions for ages 10-15 take place on March 8 from 1:30-4:30PM.

Casting For:

Scout, a young girl, forthright and tom-boyish

Jem, her brother, a few years older

Dill, small, wise beyond his years.

Also casting 2 boys and 1 girl as townspeople.

Auditions for adults will be held on March 9 at 7PM and March 10 at 7PM.

The cast includes 13 men and 7 women, ranging in ages 30-68. Needed are African American actors.

The cast also calls for 2 males and 2 females of African descent.

The production runs from May 30-June 15.

Pennsylvania Playhouse is located on Illick's Mill Rd in Bethlehem Pa

For further information contact the director- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Pennsylvania Playhouse at (610) 865-6665 or visit the Playhouse online at