Auditions will be held May 24 and 26 from 7:00pm until 9:00pm, for a planned production of "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest", at Between the Lines Studio Theatre, 725 N 15th Street, Allentown PA 18102.

The play which was written by Dale Wasserman from the novel by Ken Kesey will be a collaborative production by Crowded Kitchen Players and co-producer Thomas Rush.

This is an open call audition. No appointment is required.

Actors should prepare a one-minute monologue. This monologue may be dramatic or comedic.5aedf6d6384e9331869415e8be1df514

Headshots and theatre experience resumes are encouraged, however, not required.

If callbacks are needed, a date and time will be announced later.

Planned performance dates and times are August 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, at 8PM and August 6, 7, 13, 14 at 2PM at Between the Lines.

Parking is available directly across from the theatre entrance on W. Green Street. The theater entrance features a blue awning and a ramp in front.

***NOTE: The role of Randle P. McMurphy has been cast***


Chief Bromden

Aide Washington

Aide Williams

Nurse Ratched

Nurse Flinn

Dale Harding

Billy Bibbit

Frank Scanlon

Charles Cheswick

Anthony Martini


Dr. Spivey

Aide Turkel




***Crowded Kitchen Players encourages actor from all backgrounds (race, sexual orientation, ethnicity and gender identity) to audition!

For additional information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.