A dramatization of the real-life story of conjoined twins Daisy and Violet Hilton, Side Show is a moving story about the search for love and acceptance in the midst of spectacle and discrimination.

At the heart of the story are Daisy and Violet played brilliantly by Alyssa Steiner and Lauren Erb, respectively. Under the expert hand of director David Petrovich, both actresses soar. You understand not only their arc as a pair of sisters, but each sisters individual goals and desires. Alyssa and Lauren both have stunning voices individually, but their duets are absolutely perfect, with "Who Will Love Me As I Am'" and "I Will Never Leave You" as standouts.

With the spotlight on these two women, it could be easy to ignore the supporting players. But with this cast, that is impossible.

Shy Torres as Jake is a star. Their vocals are impeccable, and have an outstanding stage presence. Their performance of "The Devil You Know" is a knockout.sideshowposter orig

Jaime Torres and David Erb are both excellent as Terry and Buddy - Daisy and Violets gateway to the entertainment industry, and love interests. Jaime and David have wonderful chemistry, and are excellent stage partners to Alyssa and Lauren.

Jay Fuentes rounds out the supporting players as Sir, bringing a menacing presence to every scene he is in.

The ensemble also does wonderful work playing a number of characters throughout Violet and Daisys rise, including sideshow attractions, vaudeville performers, and players in the sisters past. Every character they play is fully realized, elevating each number they are in.

Director Daniel Petrovich does outstanding work in this production. His staging is smart and effective, especially with his decision to stage the musical in the round. However, his talent for directing actors cannot be overstated. It is clear he and the cast worked carefully to understand each characters story from beginning to end. Each person on that stage feels lived in and fully realized, a testament to his collaboration with the cast.

The vocals are excellent, with kudos to Musical Director Chris Hamm. I also commend Star of the Day for securing a live band, which adds tremendously to the experience.

Kirsten Almeidas choreography is also great. Her work is simple, yet effective in highlighting both the story and talents of the performers.

Side Show ends its run this weekend, with performances on September 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Buy your tickets today at staroftheday.org