Act 1 DeSales University Theatre has staged a lovely and compelling production of Lauren Gundersons "Silent Sky," through Oct. 9 on the Main Stage of the Labuda Center for the Performing Arts in Center Valley.

The play tells the story of Henrietta Swan Leavitt, one of the first female astronomers at the turn of the 20thcentury. She was instrumental in the understanding of the structure and size of the universe and discovered how to accurately measure distances on an inter-galactic scale.

Alaina Hurley is a wonderfully passionate and spunky Henrietta. Hurley imbues the character with an appealing joie de vivre and an amused self-awareness at a time when women were not allowed to even use the telescope at Harvard Observatory where Henrietta does her groundbreaking research. Hurleys energetic portrayal elevates this stellar production.Silent sky

As Henriettas more traditional sister Margaret, Hayley Gagnon is confused and frustrated with Henriettas ambition, while remaining supportive and compassionate. Gagnon gives Margaret a dependable inner strength.

Patrick Byrnes makes Peter Shaw, Henriettas boss at Harvard, awkwardly (and humorously) offensive at first. But then as he realizes the depths of her intellect, his demeanor slowly transforms to unabashed admiration.

As Annie, the head of the women "computers" who categorize the stars, Fiona Wilson is strong and brashly unapologetic. She also slowly comes to have a firm respect for Henriettas work and becomes her loyal ally.

Izzy Criscuolo as the former Scottish housekeeper Williamina offers a dose of humor to the piece with her insightful quips and is the one who tells Henrietta "The mind is sexless and so is the sky."

Director Jessica Bedford has a deft hand and keeps the story compelling as we see the heart-breaking sacrifices Henrietta makes to pursue her career.

Will Neuerts set which encompasses the Harvard Observatory offices as well as the Leavitt homes in Wisconsin and Cambridge is attractive, but what really sets it apart is his use of hanging lights to represent the stars in sky. The effect is magical.

The costumes by Amy Best, effectively remind the audience of the restrictive life of women at the turn of the century.

The show is double cast. The other cast features Nicole Lawrie as Henrietta, Mary Grace Collins as Margaret, Iyanu Joshuasville as Peter, Abby Ruger as Annie and Emily Barrett as Williamina.

Performances are 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday; 2 p.m. Sundays and 9:45 a.m. Oct. 4.

The play will be streamed Oct. 8.

The 8 p.m. Oct. 8 performance will feature open captioning for patrons who are deaf or hard of hearing and audio descriptions for patrons who are blind or visually impaired. Tickets are half price for patrons using these special services. Call box office manager Kyle Schumaker at 610-282-1100, ext. 1820, for information.

Ticket prices are $23 for adults and $21 for students and seniors Tuesday through Thursday and $27 for adults and $25 for students and seniors Friday through Sunday. Tickets for the streamed performance are $15. There are two talk back performances with the cast Oct. 2 and 4.

For tickets, call 610-282-3192 or go to by Lee Butz