LEHIGH VALLEY STAGE asked Rachel Williams, Between the Lines Studio Theatre co-founder and featured player in 'Time Stands Still', to tell us a little about the show and the experience both of producing and acting in it:

Ths show's run continues through March 10. For information, visit https://betweenthelinestheatre.com/home

RACHEL WILLIAMS: 'Time Stands Still' was a script we had read a couple of years ago at the suggestion of our Artistic Director, Eric D. Hersh.

We first read it when we were a part of Global ImpACTORS Group with Tesia NicoliTime Stands.

Eric and I loved the script and had always hoped to see it brought to the Valley.

Since this is our first full season, bein'g able to pick engaging, thought provoking scripts with a timely message, was important to us. 'Time Stands Still' absolutely checks all those boxes.

'Time Stands Still' centers around Sarah, a photojournalist, and her boyfriend Jamie, a journalist. They both travel to some of the most dangerous, war torn countries to do their jobs.

When Sarah is injured, they both return home for her recovery.

Through the eyes of their friend and editor Richard, and his new girlfriend Mandy, Sarah and Jamie come face to face with what a “normal” life looks like. Each character discovers what their heart wants and what their willing to sacrifice to get it.

I play the character of Sarah. Sarah is a photojournalist and she is severely injured in an accident while she is in the Middle East doing her job. Sarah is a very driven, smart, fascinating woman.

I did a lot of research concerning female war correspondents and the toll it can take on their lives, watched hours of video and film about PTSD and the price these journalists can pay for trying to get us the story.

It’s more than just the five minute clip you see on the news. There are lives and stories behind the men and women bringing you your news.

For me, 'Time Stands Still' is about relationships. That’s the heart of this story. Where does what you want, and think you need, in life fit into your closest relationships' What are you willing to sacrifice for the person you love' Or aren’t you'

I think we can all relate to that.

This was actually a longer rehearsal process than normal for us.

Our director Kathy Patterson really wanted us to gel together as a foursome. It was also such a fun, talented, group of people we all WANTED to rehearse together as much as possible. We started in December of last year.

Rehearsals with Kathy are pretty amazing. She is all about the actor. She is open to concerns and allowing the actor to “play.”

Kathy truly makes rehearsal a safe space for creativity. Which is so important for any actor or artist.

BTL Studio Theatre usually holds open auditions for our shows. When we asked Kathy to direct 'Time Stands Still' she asked if she could pick her cast. As the director, we gave her that leeway. She picked who she thought would work for each character and who she thought would work well as a foursome.

Throughout this process I have gotten to know Jason Roth(Richard) and Jen Santos(Mandy) so well. They are both incredible actors and I feel so fortunate to be on a stage with them. Both Eric and myself feel so lucky to be working with them.

We have all become so close during this process. More importantly, we have so much fun together! Something I hope shows on stage!

We truly hope people enjoy the production and all the hard work the cast and crew have put into it. We have had so much fun bringing this show to life!