Bucks County Playhouse has staged a dazzling and memorable interpretation of the classic Andrew Lloyd-Webber and Tim Rice musical "Evita," on the New Hope stage through Oct. 30.

This entrancing new version is set in the basement of an Argentinian tango bar, where supporters of Eva Perón re-enact her story on the anniversary of her death. Anna Louizos set is intimate and smartly designed, adding a gritty realism to the story. The sets two levels effectively stand in for all the locales from the balcony of the Casa Rosada to the rotating bedrooms of Eva Persons lovers.

The production also adds more tango than typically seen, giving this production a sensuous quality. Marcos Santanas choreography is exciting and dynamic, especially in the thrilling production numbers.EvitaBucks

Gabriella Enriquez is a find as Eva Perón. She is a powerful singer and makes iconic songs like "Dont Cry for Me, Argentina" and "Buenos Aires" all her own. She also is an outstanding dancer with jaw-dropping kicks and is a effective actor, portraying both Evas iron will and her vulnerability.

Pablo Torres as Che is a dynamo, jumping on the bar and tables as he sings with memorable passion, immediately commanding the stage in "Oh What a Circus." He also brings a new dimension to the character as we see his frustration and anger grow as the show progresses. He and Enriquez sizzle on the characters combative songs "High Flying Adored" and "Waltz for Eva and Che."

Eric Ulloa has a strong stage presence as Juan Perón, as well as authoritative baritone. He and Enriquez have good chemistry, going from pragmatic in "Id Be Surprisingly Good for You" to Ulloas hints of compassion in "Dice are Rolling."

Devin Cortez is humorously smarmy as tango singer Augustin Magaldi and Maria Bilbao is heart-breaking and poignant as Peróns teen mistress in "Another Suitcase in Another Hall."

The incredibly talented members of the ensemble fill out all the other roles and are particularly good when they literally change hats to portray first the aristocrats and members of the Argentine army in the funny "Perons Latest Flame." The ensemble enhances all the production numbers and one of the highlights of the show is the exuberant "And the Money Kept Rolling In (And Out)" that ends with the cast dancing with abandon while money literally rains down. The ensemble, which includes Michelle Alves, Andrés Acosta, Marissa Barragán, Zach Bravo, Edgar Cavazos, Jimena Flores Sanchez, Juan Guillen, Nicolette Hernandez, Edgar Lopez, Amanda Rivera-Torres, Madeline Serrano and Sophia Viscuse, ends the first act strongly with the anthemic "A New Argentina."

Serrano has a stand out moment as the young girl singing "Santa Evita."

Director Will Pomerantz has assembled an all-Latino cast for an authentic feel and keeps the action on stage at a driving pace. He gives the musical an edge with characters being threatened with knives in addition to the strong arm thuggery of Perons heavies.

William Allen grad and Tony nominee Michael McDonalds costumes are immaculate and Evas gown at the balcony of the Casa Rosada is an absolute stunner, as it should be.

Performances are 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays; 2 p.m. Wednesdays and Sundays; 2 and 7:30 p.m. Thursdays; 8 p.m. Fridays and 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays through Oct. 30. There will be a school matinee at 11 a.m. Oct. 20.

Tickets start at $70, call 215-862-2121 or go to buckscountyplayhouse.org.