"Clue: On Stage" takes the fun of playing a board game and translates it into a thoroughly enjoyable evening of laughs on the Samuels Theatre stage at Cedar Crest College in Allentown through Oct. 2.

Like the game, the play asks who killed Mr. Boddy and brings to life all the wacky characters from the Hasbro board game. The talented ensemble makes the familiar characters distinct and memorable. The energy is high throughout and the puns and jokes fly non-stop.

Nik Georgievski is Wadsworth the butler and handily steals the show. Wadsworth is orchestrating the mysterious dinner party to which the characters have been invited and Georgievski makes the butler humorously self-possessed and high strung and has a gift for physical comedy. When he recaps the entire show in a couple minutes, it is hilarious.Cluecc

As the six suspects, Robert Trexler is gruff and not-too-bright as Colonel Mustard; Noel Cruz is a sarcastic and slinky Miss Scarlet; Alex Vidal Perez is remote and icy as Mrs. White, Carter Reichards Mrs, Peacock is self-righteous but indulgent; Mark Eichorn is a stuffy and pompous Professor Plum and Andrew Galindez is a nervous and bumbling Mr. Green. All maintain a high level of energy throughout the show.

Other characters (many who dont last long) add to the fun in the show from Madison Anusky and Sofia Barbour as the French maid and cook; Jerry Brucker as the short-lived Mr. Boddy and Dan Rambo as a name-changing chief of police,

At times, the show has a Keystone Kops quality when the characters frantically run “ sometimes in circles “ as they race from room to room and it works. The effect is enhanced by the attractive set by Roxanne Amico. Amico has built an impressive-looking mansion with backdrops and moving set pieces that drop in and roll in to create all the different rooms of the house. She also cleverly has inserted images of the weapons throughout the set.

Likewise, Michael McDonalds costumes work perfectly from the Colonels mustard-colored suit to Mrs. Peacocks colorful feathered hat.

Of course, the play takes place during a stormy night and Vicky Neals lighting design gives a great effect of atmospheric lightning.

Director JoAnn Basist keeps the pace brisk and the 90 minute play (no intermission) flies by.

Adding to the game atmosphere, there are "Clue"-themed and special activities during the run, including a "Clue" prop photo booth at all performances.

There is a pizza party for the audience and cast opening night and a cupcake send off closing night.

For the Sept. 30 performance, audience members are encouraged to dress as their favorite "Clue" character and have photos taken on the set after the performance.

On Oct.1, there will be a public "Clue" game day in Cedar Crest Library prior to the show.

Performances are 7 p.m. Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1; and 2 p.m. Oct. 2 in Samuels Theatre, on Cedar Crest's Hamilton Street campus.

Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for students.

For information, call 610-606-4608, or go to www.cedarcrest.edu/stage.