Civic Theatre presents a cheeky, laugh-out-loud funny production of “Five Lesbians Eating A Quiche” through June 23 in Civic’s Theatre514, 514 N. Nineteenth St., Allentown.

An ensemble of five women brings a raw energy and comedic physicality to this flaky, in-your-face comedy.

A winner at the 2012 New York City International Fringe Festival, it’s not surprising the play has a very Fringe-y feel.

The story takes place in 1956 at the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein, whose members are having their annual quiche breakfast. They all call themselves widows, since in the repressive 1950s, that could be the only reason none have husbands, although as one character deadpans shes never actually been married.

Five women, all officers of the society, eagerly assemble to judge the quiches that have been entered by all the members. The rules are "no men, no meat, all manners."

The audience (both men and women) is included as members of the society and are given (female) name tags as they enter and the audience is shrilly greeted with a call and response greeting of “how are you?” During the course of the show, the five actors frequently come into the audience and interact with audience members using their tagged names. setting an engaging tone for the evening. The audience gamely plays along, adding to the fun.

As the double entendres fly, the women rapturously and hilariously extol the virtues of the egg and eating quiche.

The quirky characters all play well together as they navigate the era’s sexual and social repression.

Kelly Minner-Bickerts is Lulie, the domineering and brittle president who becomes more wild-eyed as the show progresses.

Jen Gelber is Wren, the prim and posing chairwoman, who looks like she just stepped out of “Leave it to Beaver.”

Lana Brucker is Ginny the British secretary, who is nervously uptight and the group’s outcast.

Amanda Lissette is historian Dale, who is appealing even as she reveals her unhappy back story.

Marley Marhias is the tough, take-charge Vern, chairwoman of buildings and grounds.

Rae Labadie’s direction is tight and the energy is unflagging. A dramatic plot twist adds an unexpected element.

Everything is thrown into chaos an atomic bomb warning siren sounds and the women are trapped in the community center, which includes a security door that can only be opened once, and will seal if it detects radiation. As they process the idea of being trapped for four years, prescribed roles begin to fall away and the cast (along with audience) jubilantly expresses their true sexual identity.

Costumes by Anissa Colon delightfully evoke the 1950s,

During the show, an actual quiche, provided by Syb’s West End Deli, is amusingly and unforgettably devoured..

The show runs about 75 minutes, with no intermission.

Tickets are $35 for adults; $25 for seniors, students and military and $13 for children age 13 and under.

On Wednesdays, all tickets are $25 and June 20 is pay-what-you-will.

Performances are 7:30 p.m. June 19-22; and 2 p.m. June 16, and 23.

For information, call 610-432-8943 or go to