Disco balls, leg warmers, fringe vests, headbands, roller skates, even handfuls of glitter - any fad from the 1980s is fair game for the campy and playful musical "Xanadu" through April 23 at Northampton Community Colleges Lipkin Theatre, 3835 Green Pond Rd., Bethlehem.

With tongues firmly planted in cheeks, the energetic cast belts out pop-rock hits from the 1970s and 1980s in the unapologetically light-weight story of a Greek muse who comes to life and inspires a down-on-his-luck artist to open a roller disco.

The giddy musical is based on the 1980 film that was trashed by critics but went on to be a cult classic buoyed by its soundtrack of hits by Electric Light Orchestra and Olivia Newton-John.Xanadu3

The actors are disarmingly aware of the shows inherent goofiness and run with it. Crazy disco dancing, sharp one-liners and broad comedy abound. Even Newton-Johns Australian accent gets a send-up.

Kait Stein plays Greek muse Clio. Stein has a fresh-faced naivety that is appealing as she navigates the stage on roller skate for most of the show. She delivers nice three part harmonies with Kate Morgan and Samantha Prentice on "Dancin"

Joshua Crowley as the artist Sonny Malone, matches Steins naivety and takes it up a notch. Malones lanky frame is clad in gym shorts that show an alarming amount of leg (which, of course, also is a joke). Crowley and Stein are sweet together in ballads likes "Suddenly" and "Suspended in Time."

Justin Abarca plays the dual roles of real estate developer Danny Maguire and Zeus. As Danny, he goes from up-tight capitalist to unabandoned wannabe rocker with ease. Abarca is the strongest singer and is solid on "All Over the World" and "Whenever Youre Away from Me."

The muses are the true stars of the show, hilariously speaking and singing in unison for much of the time, but also having some great break-out moments. The muses, all purported sisters of Clio, are made up of a group of mixed gender actors who provide tons of comedy relief from their disco-inspired choreographed movements to their 1980s mixed with modern aesthetic zingers.

The muses especially shine on "Dont Walk Away" "All Over the World" and "Im Alive."

Trish Kane Steele is hilarious as muse Melpomene, the bad sister, who gleefully plans to sabotage Clio as she belts out "Evil Woman." Amelia Illingsworth provides humorous back up as muse Calliope and Melpomenes henchman, literally trying to chew the scenery as one point.

Maxwell Wetherhold shows great comic timing as Hermes in a funny scene, as well as in his role as muse Terpischore.

Greek mythology doesnt escape parody with memorable appearances by Alex Kleinschmidt as a centaur and Cade Kocher as Cyclops and Prentice as Medusa during a completely upended performance of "Have You Never Been Mellow."

Director Bill Mutimer rightly keeps a light touch on all the shenanigans going on on stage and Tina Williams choreography is lots of fun.

Musical Director/keyboardist Lucille Kincaid leads a talented group of musicians made up of Chad Miller on guitar, Tom Pepitone on bass, Jim Arrizza on percussion and Michael Marini on keyboard. They provide a strong base for the string of high songs that will undoubtedly stick in your head.

Other muses include August Gaumer, Noel Cruz, Deja Breitfeller, Connor Sternberg and Cassidy Bordonaro.

Performances are 7:30 p.m. April 22-23 and 2 p.m. April 24.

NCC is now mask-optional and audiences have the option to not wear a mask if they are comfortable.

Tickets are $5 and free for NCC students a non-perishable food donation.

For information, got to ncctix.org, or call 484-484-3412.

Photo by Amico Studios