Strong leads anchor a tuneful and engaging "South Pacific" at Northampton Community College Summer Theatre. The classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical is at the Bethlehem Township colleges Lipkin Theater through July 9.

Kenneth McMullen and Jennifer Brady are delightful together as middle-aged French expatriate Emile de Beque and naive young Navy nurse Nellie Forbush, who fall in love. McMullen is suave and charming as the wordly Frenchman who enchants the Arkansas-born Nellie.

Brady perfectly conveys the cheerfully unsophisticated persona of Nellie who unashamedly terms herself a "hick." However, McMullen also reveals his characters uncertainty and insecurity that such a lively youthful woman as Nellie could love him. Brady really makes you believe her Nellie is a "Cockeyed Optimist" as she merrily sings in one of the shows many hit songs. spx

McMullen displays his lush baritone vibrato on songs like "Some Enchanted Evening" and "This Nearly Was Mine." Bradys bright mezzo blends nicely with McMullen on "Twin Soliloquies" and "This is How it Feels." Brady also shines on the playful "Im Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair" and "Im In Love With a Wonderful Guy," and is ably backed by the nurses chorus.

Jacob Greening is in fine voice as lieutenant Joseph Cable, who falls in love with the willowy Liat, played with quiet charm by Jane Lui.

At the time of the 1949 musical was written, it was controversial in that it dealt with issue of racism, both in Joes relationship with the Tonkinese Liat and Nellies hesitation at marrying Emile once she learns he has children from a prior relationship with a Polynesian woman.

One of the emotional highlights of the show is Greening as Cable singing the bitter ode to systemic racism "Youve Got To Be Carefully Taught."

On opening night, Daniel Melo has taken over the role of Luther Billis at the last minute, when the original actor left. Melo did an admirable job playing the character of a scheming petty officer, with script in hand. The role is the comic relief for the show and Melo gamely tackles Billis hi-jinks and is hilarious in "Honey Bun."

Shuga Henry is a strong presence as Bloody Mary, who wheels and deals with the seabees and sings the buoyant "Happy Talk" and haunting "Bali Hai."

Amaya Annum and Ialm Annum start the show on an adorable note as Emiles children, sweetly singing "Dietes-Moi."

The ensemble of seabees and officers all add to the performance.

Pianists Patricia OConnell and Lucille Kincaid accompany the singers and impressed with their masterful performance of the overture.

The set by Brett Oliveira is effective and creates a tropical feel. Oliveiras lighting was particularly evocative.

Bill Mutimers directions was crisp and well paced.

The cast also includes Justin Ferguson, Aidan King, Max Wetherhold, Mason Wold, Michael Sheridan, Jim Long, Josh Crowly, Cade Kocher, Janae Gray, Lydia Walker, Michael J Sheridan, Andy Van Antwerp, Connor Sternberg, Isaiah Elleby, Marcell McKenzie, Tessa DeJesus, Denise Long, Sieanna Rahatt, Myriam Zamy, Jordan Gold, Mina Price, Nikki Cohen and Faith Stack.

For the Independence Day performance there is a cookout prior to the show from 3 to 5 p.m.

The menu is all you can eat burgers, hotdogs and veggie burgers, with all of the fixings, salads and sides, plus an ice cream sundae bar. The cookout will be in the Quad, the outdoor area adjacent to Kopecek Hall. Tickets are available with or without the cookout.

Performances are 7:30 p.m. June 30, and July 1, 5-8; 2 p.m. July 2 and 9; and 5:30 p.m. July 4,

Tickets are $20 for adults; $15 for seniors and $10 for youth.

For information, call 484-484-3412, or go to