"Tick, Tick ¦ Boom!" is a dynamic and exuberant musical filled with outstanding performances by its talented three-person cast. The show explodes on the stage of Bucks County Playhouse in New Hope through July 15.

The musical, a semi-autobiographical retelling of "Rent" composer Jonathan Larsons life before he wrote his hit rock musical, has a surprising number of local connections.

Bucks County Playhouse Executive Producer Robyn Goodman helped Larsen work on the show and is one of the original producers of "Tick, Tick ¦ Boom!" off-Broadway.

Also Larson was a huge fan of Stephen Sondheim, who is referenced through out the show and became his mentor, while Sondheim himself had been mentored in Doyelstown by Bucks Countys Oscar Hammerstein.ttb

The fact that Larsen died at age 35 the day before the first Off-Broadway preview performance of "Rent" adds a poignancy to the show, which explores the frustrations and road blocks of creating art.

Andy Mientus is a powerhouse as Jon. The structure of the show requires him to both address the audience and interact with the other actors, and he is eminently likable and memorable in both roles. His singing is powerful and he shines on his solo song "Why," as well as in all the other songs in which he is featured.

Krystina Alabado makes the role of Susan, Jons girlfriend who wants him to leave New York and move with her to Cape Cod, warm and relatable.

Alabado and Mientus have great chemistry in their cute love song "Green Green Dress," as well as the disagreement song "Therapy"in which they sing at break-neck speed while they humorously become entangled in the long phone cords (remember those').

Alabado also plays other roles including that of Karessa, one of the performers in Jons workshop musical "Superbia" and nails the showstopping "Come To Your Senses."

Noah Ricketts is appealing as Michael, Jons best friend who has taken a corporate job and now has a fancy car and apartment. He also has an impressive voice which he displays in the upbeat "No More" and the anguished "Real Life."

Both Alabado and Ricketts play multiple roles, including funny turns as Jons absentee agent.

The musical kicks off with energetic "30/90" featuring fantastic harmonies by the three cast members.

All three also sing on "Johnny Can't Decide" which perfectly captures Jons dilemma of

The group song "Sunday" is inciteful and hilariously staged with paper cutouts of famous performers and stage personalities (even Stephen Sondheim.)

And in the michievious "Sugar," Mientus and cast exalt the joy of junk food as Mientus tosses wrapped Twinkies into the audience.

The show saves the best for last with the thrilling "Louder Than Words" sung by the cast, capping the show.

At 90 minutes with no intermission, "Tick, Tick ¦ Boom!" is an exciting and joyous ride.

Director Eric Rosen paces everything to a tee and the set by Jack Magaw, has a gritty Soho feel with evocative changing scenes through the windows by projection designer Steven Arnoczyack.

The four person orchestra is on stage through out the performance and provides a driving rock base for the songs. Featured are Rodney Bush on keyboards; Jon Ball on drums; Ashleigh Budlong on bass and Jay Rosen on guitar.

Nia Ashleigh and Jonathan Mousset are understudies.

Tickets are $50 to $65.

Performances are 8 p.m. June 30, July 7 and 14; 2 and 8 p.m., July 1, 8 and 15; 2 p.m. July 2, 9; 2 and 7:30 p.m. July 5, 6, 12 and 13; and 7:30 p.m. July 11. The playhouse is at 70 S. Main St., New Hope.

For information, call 215-862-2121 or go to bcptheater.org.