The play simultaneously examines the creative process behind Beethoven's Diabelli Variations and the journey of a musicologist, Dr. Katherine Brandt, as she seeks to discover the reason behind why Beethoven was compelled to write thirty-three distinct variations on a simple theme by a minor music publisher.

The action takes place both in Beethoven's time and in the present, switching back and forth between the two - and overlapping at certain key points to emphasize the parallels between the exploits and experiences of both sets of characters.

Originally meant to open in Spring 2020, but halted due to world events, the show is an intimate exploration of relationships, of love, of loss, and of inspiration.33

Directed by Suki, Madame Director alongside a stellar team of artists, 33 Variations will run performances April 15-16, 22-23, 29-30 @ 8PM, and April 24th & May 1st @ 2 PM.

Barbara Burri (Dr. Katherine Brandt)Kendra O'Donnell (Clara Brandt)Ryan McFarland (Mike Clark)Julie C. May (Dr. Gertrude Ladenburger)Tom Pitt (Ludwig van Beethoven)Peter Phillips (Anton Schindler)Jeff Sherman (Anton Diabelli)Safiyyah Jones (Producer)Ryan Kadwill (Set, L&S Designer & Bord Op)Annalise Settefrati (Costumes)Nicole Napolitano (Scenic & Build)Betsy Chapman (Choreographer)Charles Troxel (Musical Technician)

Tickets may be purchased at you prefer to make contact by phone you may call (610)935-1920.Box Office, Reservations and Special Seating please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Inquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - $16 .00Senior (62 and Over) - $15Under 18 - $13