Allentown Public Theatre's monthly reading series of new and noteworthy plays continues January 19, 2016, at 7pm with the newest draft of "The Man Who Invented Himself" by Emmaus playwright and filmmaker Stephanie E. Gardner.

The informal reading – and opportunity to meet the playwright – are hosted by Hava Java Cafe in Allentown (526 N. 19th Street).

The series occurs regularly on the third Tuesday of each month.

In this biographical play, Andre Friedmann is a Hungarian-born émigré and struggling photographer. He meets the spunky revolutionary, Gerda Taro, in a Paris bar in 1935. Together they scheme to create a persona, Robert Capa, an American photographer "in high demand," in order to sell photos at better prices. Along the way, he teaches her photography, and they fall in love. Traveling through Spain during the Spanish Civil War for LIFE magazine, they capture moments of war and peace.