The Pennsylvania Playhouse presents the hilarious farce “No Sex Please, We’re British” opening Friday, February 9th and running through the 25th.

A young bride who lives above a bank with her husband who is the assistant manager, innocently sends a mail order off for some Scandinavian glassware. What comes is Scandinavian pornography. The plot revolves around what is to be done with the veritable floods of pornography, photographs, books, films, and eventually girls that threaten to engulf this happy couple. The matter is considerably complicated by the man's mother, his boss, a visiting bank inspector, a police superintendent, and a muddled friend who does everything wrong in his reluctant efforts to set everything right, all of which works up to a hilarious ending of closed or slamming doors.

The cast includes: Drake Nester, Margaret Wilson, Mark Nathaniel, Denise Long, Jim Vivian, Michael Hollingsworth, Bill Joachim, Julisa Trinidad, and Alexandra Racines.

“No Sex Please, We’re British” was written by Anthony Marriott and Alistair Foot and is directed by Jan LaBellarte Beatty.

Tickets are available online at or by calling 610-865-6665 or may be purchased at the box office on the night of the show. Adults: $25, Students: $22 (0-18 years old or with valid student ID), Seniors: $22 (65+ years old). Please note: Student/Senior discounts is available on Thursday, Friday and Sunday Only!

For additional information please contact publicity chair Brian McDermott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.