Crowded Kitchen Players will present the comedy "Pints, Pounds & Pilgrims", an original play by playwright Ara Barlieb, February 5-14th at The Charles Brown IceHouse, 56 River Street, Bethlehem, PA, and February 19-21st at the Unicorn Theatre, 417 Front St. Catasauqua PA.

A manic Eng­lish stage direc­tor fever­ishly rehearses his long-‹suffering cast in an orig­i­nal Irish tragedy, 'A Bad Year for Pota­toes', intended as the head­lin­ing event of an arts fes­ti­val on the remote island of Inish­bofin.

Mean­while, a strug­gling Amer­i­can din­ner the­ater mis­tak­enly believes it has been invited to per­form its orig­i­nal bed­room farce, "Undressed for Din­ner", at the same fes­ti­val.PPP Poster updated compressed

The Crowded Kitchen Players cast includes: Susan Burnett, Dan Ferry, Paula Klein, Brian McDermott, David 'Oz" Oswald, James Propst, Alexandra Racines, Steven Rosenbloom, Patti Squire, Michael Thew, Sarah Thomas, Scott VanNortwick, Pamela Wallace and Brian Wendt. Ara Barlieb is the director, and the stage manager is Steven Rosenbloom.

'Pints, Pounds & Pilgrims' will be presented at the Charles Brown Ice House February 5, 6, 12 & 13 at 8:00pm, and February 7 & 14 at 2:00pm and at the Unicorn Theatre, February 19 & 20 at 8pm and February 21 at 2:00pm.

Tickets are $18, $14 Seniors, and $10 Students and may be purchased at, 610-395-7176, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at the door.