FESTIVAL UNBOUND 2020 presents Black Words, Black Voices, Black Magic, Black Matters at Touchstone

Saturday, October 24 @ 2:00pm.

Admission is FREE; donations welcome.

"To be black in America right now is a wound. Nothing seems to exactly describe the pain in my lower back, my chest, blooming between my lungs, hanging so, so heavy in my heart. My grief is miles deep, ancestral deep."

-Kristina Haynes, Basement Poetry

"Join the artists and partners of Basement Poetry for an afternoon of poetry performances about the triumphs and traumas of the Black American experience in 2020. Bring a blanket, sweater, and your support of Black lives! Register here. BP1

Masks are required to enter and any time you're up from your seat. We have extra cloth masks for anyone who needs one.

Check-in will be at the bottom of Touchstone's driveway - look for a table with orange balloons.

Parking on nearby streets - 3rd, 4th, 5th, Mechanic, Polk; the New St. Garage, which connects to the theatre via a 0.3 mile walk along the Greenway; or more parking options here. Please note: we no longer have access to the lot directly north of TouchstoneÂ’s parking lot, on Mechanic Street between Polk and Taylor Streets.

Keep an eye on the weather! Check the forecast before you come over, and consider dressing in layers. We'll also have extra blankets and Touchstone t-shirts and hoodies for sale.

What if it rains' We'll make the call day-of show at 12pm - look for updates via social media and website."

For more on upcoming Festival UnBound events, check out touchstone.org or follow us on social media @FestivalUnBound