BETHLEHEM, PA “ Touchstone Theatre presents Journey from the East, a community-based theatrical production for their two-year project exploring the history, heritage, and future of the Chinese community in the Lehigh Valley and America.

The free, large-scale, outdoor performance plays April 18, 19, 25, and 26 at 3:00pm at the Chinese Harmony Pavilion on the South Bethlehem Greenway.

The story takes on the form of a dream within a play: an American president dreams that he is a sheriff of a derelict Western town.

A Chinese diplomat dreams that he is a seventh century monk on a holy journey. The play explores themes of national identity and attitude through this lens of cultural mythologies: for America, the mythic Old West and the cowboy, and for China, the epic novel Journey to the West and the Monkey King.

Rooted in Touchstones long history of community-inspired work, Journey from the East is written by Touchstone co-founder Bill George and Touchstone Associate/Moravian College Director of Theatre Christopher Shorr. Touchstone Artistic Director Jp Jordan directs.

"We drew from the mythology of American Westerns," says Shorr, "not just for inspiration, but pulling actual pieces out and using them. We took iconic characters, moments, phrases, situations, and we folded them into our story”adding yet another strand to the tapestry of this genre."

"Many of the basic interests of Journey to the West are a good fit for me," adds George.

"I love classic comedy with a deep spiritual, philosophical center, like Don Quixote or Candide. It was this aspect of the story that I returned to again and again."

The play, co-produced by Moravian College, features the Touchstone Ensemble, guest artists from Utopia Group of China, students and faculty from Lehigh University and Moravian College, and volunteer participant performers from the Lehigh Valley community.

Community cast member Steven Barnett enthuses: "After two years listening to tall tales of kung fu demons and cowboys, I still cant believe the audacity of this endeavor!

Its been a genuine privilege to witness this project from the beginning “ and to be allowed to help these guys bring theatre out into the streets on such a grand scale."

Each performance weekend will hold special auxiliary events, including a guest lecture by Victor H. Mair, an internationally known Chinese scholar from the University of Pennsylvania, on April 18 at 6:00pm in Touchstone Theatre.

This lecture, titled "Bridging Epic Traditions: the Cross-cultural Significance of the Chinese Journey to the West", is sponsored by Lehigh Universitys Religion Studies Department.

The following evening on April 19 at 6:00pm, a Panel Discussion will be held in Touchstone Theatre on the American Western as our cultural mythology.

And lastly, a Chinese-style Spring Festival and a close-proximity pyrotechnic display by Celebration Fireworks will follow the closing performance on April 26th at 6:00pm.

Nationally, the Journey from the East project is supported in part by the Henry Luce Foundation, which seeks to bring important ideas to the center of American life, strengthen international understanding, and foster innovation and leadership in academic, policy, religious, and art communities, and the National Endowment for the Arts “ Art Works, which supports the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence and the strengthening of communities through the arts.

Locally, the project is supported by Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission, Keystone Savings Foundation, and Lehigh Universitys Department of Community and Regional Affairs. Touchstones 2014-15 Season sponsors are First Generation, an integrated marketing communications company, and RCN. WDIY provides media sponsorship. The Shubert Foundation and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts support Touchstones yearlong programming.

The Journey from the East performances begin outdoors at the Chinese Harmony Pavilion (200 block between Taylor and Webster Streets) on Bethlehems South Side Greenway on April 18, 19, 25, and 26, 2015 at 3:00pm.

Performances and auxiliary events are free of charge; donations accepted.

Audience members in need of assistance due to mobility are encouraged to reserve handicapped seating. Reservations and further information (parking, rain date, etc.) available at 610-867-1689 or /