2016) — The IceHouse Tonight presents “What Lies Within: Dancing with Race and Identity”, a collaborative performance by DanceLink and Basement Poetry at the Bethlehem Ice House on Friday and Saturday, February 10 & 11th at 8pm. Sarah Carlson and Chloe Cole-Wilson, the Artistic Directors of DanceLink and Basement Poetry respectively, team up to create an original performance that unpacks the complex issues of racial identity and injustice. Tickets are $20/$15 student (cash or check at the door) Reservations recommended: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In an age of increasing societal division, "What Lies Within" seeks to explore identity, examine oppression and initiate conversations that lead towards racial understanding and healing. The show will involve a mix of improvisational movement and poetry that arises from creatively unpacking the question of race and racial injustice from within a mixed race community. Live musicians Moe Jerant and Vernon Mobley will accompany the program.

The directors and cast have been working in consultation with Kara Bender, a national trainer for Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training in order to build “courageous space”, a space that invites boldness, honesty and mutual respect. “The rehearsal process for “What Lies Within” has been gut-wrenching and therapeutic at the same time,” Carlson admits. “In mixed racial company, we are directly addressing the elephant in the room, calling attention to our different experiences as people. Some of what has been shared is so difficult, so unfair, but there have also been moments of catharsis, tenderness and inspired revelation.” All of this will be included in the show.HeaderAndSub

Chloe Cole Wilson is no stranger to the question of race; she tackled the subject before in Basement Poetry’s inaugural event entitled “IDENTIFY”. "This is the time for powerful and risk taking art. With the future of America in an unknown state, we need art that can heal our communities,” Chloe states. “Our performers are taking a stand and starting a movement. We give them a chance to speak from a real place about race. From their own experiences. I hope that our audiences take the message from this production and use it to start conversations everywhere they go. We hope to start a revolution." Each performance of “What Lies Within” will be followed by a talk-back with the audience to discuss and reflect upon the major themes of the show.

"What Lies Within" is a part of the Valley-wide arts series "Voices of Conscience: Toward Racial Understanding" for 2016-17. This series features an array of different events and is designed "to foster a climate that features the production of socially-conscious art and engages the Lehigh Valley community in relevant conversation."

About the Artists:

Sarah Carlson (director) is the Founder & Artistic Director of DanceLink which seeks to bridge people, ideas & and understanding through the power of movement. Sarah danced professionally for 10 years in NYC with companies including Alexandra Beller/Dances, Brian Brooks Moving Company, Clare Byrne Dance, Paul Mosley Dance and the Metropolitan Opera Ballet. As an independent choreographer, her own work has been presented throughout the US at venues such as the Joyce Soho in NYC, On the Boards in Seattle, and The Yard on Martha’s Vineyard as well as in Benin, Africa. Sarah is a co-director of the Lehigh Valley Dance Exchange & the editor of the Lehigh Valley Dance in Review. Sarah has been on the dance faculty at Muhlenberg College, DeSales University, Cedar Crest College, Lehigh University, and the University of Southern Mississippi. Sarah received a BA in French and European Studies from Connecticut College and an MFA in Dance from the University of Washington.

Chloe Cole Wilson is co-founder/Artistic Director of a new Lehigh Valley based company Basement Poetry. Since January 2015 she has produced 4 full length theatre productions with Basement Poetry. Her work has been performed at Lehigh University, The Ice House, Northampton Community College, and Moravian College. She is currently working on expanding her company into other literacy art forms. From short plays to short stories, she wants to create a safe place for emerging artists and the community to explore and express their voices. "Everyone has power. The hardest part is releasing it. Don't be afraid of that heart & soul you have"

About the series:

The IceHouse Tonight, a response to a growing night-life scene in downtown Bethlehem, targets the potential college-age and the "restaurant row" audiences in the center city. The performance series is designed to mirror the charm, independence and sense of contemporary urban life represented by the current trends in downtown Bethlehem. The IceHouse Tonight will produce a performance schedule that nurtures the production of new artistic works and the development of new regional arts organizations. Additionally, The IceHouse Tonight will provide a stage for collaborative and innovative programming from well-established regional arts organizations.