"Look Out" an original comedy by Brian McDermott opens June 10th at the Charles Brown IceHouse.

Crowded Kitchen Players continues their orig­i­nal play series with Brian McDermott's comedy, "Look Out" on June 10, 11, 17, & 18 at 8pm and June 12 & 19 at 2pm at the Charles A. Brown IceHouse, 56 River St. Bethlehem PA.

Hurtling through the mine­fields of unre­quited love, fad­ing pas­sion, irra­tional fear, and all the other fiendish ele­ments of daily liv­ing, each of these cou­ples and their var­i­ous atten­dants and tor­men­tors tries to sum­mon the courage and the will to hold on for at least one more tomorrow. The Crowded Kitchen Player's cast is directed by Ara Barlieb, Nora Oswald is set painter and the production is stage managed by David Fox.

The lives of four groups of peo­ple hur­tle past at break­neck speeds and at var­i­ous points in time:Look Out Color Poster Compressed

1939 — Sara Fawn, Thomas Rush, Drake Nester - a man and woman, mis­matched by age, cir­cum­stance, and degree of pas­sion, per­form the Dance of Denial in a sleazy motor lodge;

1959 — Pamela Wal­lace, Suzy Hoff­man, Ara Bar­lieb - a long suf­fer­ing cou­ple board a Caribbean cruise ship drift­ing inex­orably toward mar­i­tal shoals;

1979 — Tom Har­ri­son, Lauri Beth Rogers, Alex Racines - a busi­ness­man on a transcon­ti­nen­tal train feels his cor­po­ra­tion has exiled him to a post in a far-‹off Cana­dian gulag;

2019 — Brian Wendt, Brian McDer­mott, Steven Rosen­blum - a claus­tro­pho­bic man is strapped into a plane seat by his long-‹suffering co-‹dependent partner.

Tickets: $18, Seniors $14, Students $10 and are available at 610-395-7176, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.ckplayers.com or at the door.