Michael B. Judkins is a local creative residing in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. He holds an Associate in Science in Journalism, Bachelor of Science in Human Services, and a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling with over 20 years in the field of Human Services. Also, attending NYU Theatre Program for several weeks learning basic concepts of theatre productions. Michael self-published his first poetry collection titled, "Introduction to Sentimental Me".

After the release of this collection, Michael was signed to Aois 21 Media publishing house which published his second poetry collection released title, "Interlude to Sentimental Me.", "I Stand- Podcast" and "Interlude to Sentimental Book Tour (Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C, Bethlehem Pa, and Allentown, PA) which also included a virtual book tour (blog sites).

In 2018, The Interlude to Sentimental Me, Stage Play was produced which featured 17 actors, two sold-out nights, and several reviews from the local press. The Stageplay was based on the Second Poetry Collection-Interlude to Sentimental Me. In addition to, producing a musical Christmas show, working on several local film productions, and most recently the author of Hey Charlie, You're Next- A Children's book series about confidence and finding your voice.Michael

LVSTAGE: Tell us about your most recent productions, where they were performed, and how they were received.

MBJ: In 2018, The Interlude to Sentimental Me, Stage Play was produced which featured 17 actors, two sold-out nights, and several reviews from the local press. The Stageplay was based on the Second Poetry Collection-Interlude to Sentimental Me. In addition to, producing a musical Christmas show, working on several local film productions, and most recently the author of Hey Charlie, You're Next- A Children's book series about confidence and finding your voice.

LVSTAGE: What are your missions and goals in producing theatrical works'

MBJ: My main goal is to produce original works with the element of visual concepts alongside dramatic content which sparks human emotions and delivers great entertainment.

LVSTAGE: Tell us about Mrs. Wakefield One Woman Show. Its origins, its antecedents, plot, etc. The show was created from the idea of three free writes, I wrote in December 2019.

MBJ: Mrs. Wakefield sits quietly in her kitchen window, watching the neighbors going to work, school kids catching their buses, store owners getting ready for business, and the birds singing in delight. As she sits, she pounders on her life from where she began as a woman looking for love, to a woman broken by love and then a woman healed by love. As she walks us through her life of abuse, mistrust, loneliness, and finding her liberation.

LVSTAGE: What do you hope the audience gains from the experience of watching this show'

MBJ: I hope the audience captures the tale of a woman finding her voice amid the storm of life and watches how she visually displays her story through words and visual movements as she finds her liberation in finding the peace in her life. And, that love can hurt at times, however, love is universal and can heal as well.

LVSTAGE: Where can people get tickets'

MBJ: Tickets can be purchased at Eventbrite- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mrs-wakefield-one-woman-experimental-monologue-tickets-168043882777

LVSTAGE: What are your Covid prevention policies for those attending or working on this show'

MBJ: COVID protocal and prevention. Indoor events and gatherings are limited to 25% of maximum occupancy. Masks are highly recommended.

"A Monologue based on the Character Adapted from the Interlude to Sentimental Me/ Michael B. Judkins.

Theme Based on written pieces: Passion If I Had A Choice and I walked Away written by Michael B. Judkins: Monologue Version written and performed by Darcel Gibson.

Take the journey with Mrs. Wakefield as she explores her life path filled with obstacles and victories through spoken word, visual movements, and music elements that capture the story of a woman looking for love, to a woman broken by love and then a woman healed by love."