Crowded Kitchen Players presents "The Fall of Heaven", a comedy of the human condition, written by Walter Mosley, and directed by Ara Barlieb, November 6th - 15th at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fellowship Hall, 44 East Market St. Bethlehem PA.

The Fall of Heaven' is the first play that mystery author Walter Mosley has written, and Crowded Kitchen Players is pleased to produce the second production of this incredibly timely play about social injustice

Tem­pest Landry, (William Alexander, Jr.) a street-‹wise young black man liv­ing in Harlem, unex­pect­edly finds him­self at the Pearly Gates. When Saint Peter, (David 'Oz' Oswald) orders him to hell, the quick-‹witted Tem­pest refuses to go. A tech­ni­cal loop­hole forces heaven to send Tem­pest back to Earth with the angel Joshua, (Roy Shuler) in tow to keep him out of trou­ble. The result­ing bat­tle of wills takes an intrigu­ing look at good ver­sus evil and what it means to be human.Heaven Poster

The Crowded Kitchen Players cast includes: William Alexander Jr., Roy Shuler, Erica Baxter, David 'Oz' Oswald, and Felicia White. The play is being stage managed by Brian McDermott.

"The Fall of Heaven' will be presented November 6, 7, 13 & 14 at 8:00pm, and November 8 & 15 at 3:00pm.

Tickets are $18, $14 Seniors, and $10 Students, general seating. For reservations, visit, call 610-395-7176, or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

"The Fall of Heaven" is the first production in the series Voices of Conscience: Towards Racial Understanding. This series is a joint effort between Crowded Kitchen Players, Selkie Theatre, Allentown Public Theatre, the Basement Poets and various arts organizations to provide a forum on racial discrimination. More information regarding this series will be sent shortly.