Northampton Community College's Theatre Department presents the dark comedy, Detroit, on Thursday, Feb. 28; Friday, March 1; Saturday, March 2; and Monday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, March 3 at 3:00 p.m.

Written by Lisa D'Amour and directed by Clair M. Freeman, Detroit - a Pulitzer Prize finalist - is a fresh, offbeat look at what happens when we dare to open ourselves up to something new.

In a "first ring" suburb outside a midsize American city, Ben and Mary fire up the grill to welcome the new neighbors who've moved into the long-empty house next door. The fledgling friendship soon veers out of control, shattering the fragile hold that newly unemployed Ben and Mary have on their way of life - with unexpected comic consequences.

The cast includes David Lippencott, Bessie Amato, Jake Geske, Melody Cruz, Griffin Boyle and Chad Schaffer.


This production is appropriate for high school and older. Free admission for those with a current NCC ID and a food bank donation; all others are $5.

General admission seating for the Norman Roberts Lab Theatre.

For tickets and more information: