Join the Pennsylvania Playhouse for "an hour or two" as they have "magic to do" in Stephen Schwartz's charming musical comedy "Pippin".

Directed by Clair M. Freeman, this classic musical tells the tale of the titular Pippin who yearns to discover who he is and his purpose in life.

Pippin, and his father, Charlemagne, are derived from two real-life individuals from the Middle Ages; however, the plot is fictional and presents no historical facts regarding either.Pippin

Set amid backdrops of war, treachery, and love, "Pippin" is both stylish and fanciful while also managing to be down-to-earth and heartfelt.

The main character Pippin “ portrayed by Crede Cooper “ drifts his way through different adventures in an attempt to discover who is meant to be and one day fit into his "Corner of the Sky".

He is narrated, encouraged and enticed by the mysterious Leading Player (CaSandra Danudio) who weaves the story for the audience while also “ at times “ steering the characters on stage to satisfy her own whims.

Pippin's father King Charlemagne (Mark Boyer) wants his son to follow in his footsteps as a courageous, ruthless crusader; but Pippin finds this nearly impossible and runs away, only to find the fair Catherine (Alexandria Austin) who may be the answer to his prayers “ or not. She has a precocious son (what musical comedy doesn't) named Theo (Cashton Zisa Morrow) who helps Pippin realize there are more important things than a life of meaningless riches, glory and sex.

Also aiding in teaching Pippin this sound advice are his grandmother Berthe (Trish Steel) who sings one of the most entertaining songs from the show "No Time At All".

Of course, it wouldn't be a musical comedy without a villain and "Pippin" sports one of the sultriest in theater history “ his stepmother Fastrada (Beth Sucro), and her dim-witted son Lewis (Alex Kleinschmidt). Both of these connivers are involved in a plot to remove Charlemagne as king to further their own plans and sing their plot in the deliciously ironic "Spread A Little Sunshine."

"Pippin is the reason I got interested in doing theater," states director Clair M. Freeman.

"After seeing the original Broadway production I knew I wanted to be involved in something that brought this kind of excitement to people." Freeman goes on to state that this is a story about "coming to terms with who you are" and it is important to share that with people.

The cast of "Pippin" includes Griffin Boyle, Olivia Byrne, Ericka Csencsits, Jenny Delorimier, Samantha Ferrante, Nik Georgievski, Anthony Kompa, Whitney Madill, Bryanna Pye, Joshua Schwirtz.

Musical direction is by Rebecca Pieper, choreography by Mackenzie Lewis, with Abby Anthony as stage manager. Costumes are by Todd Burkel, tech director is Brett Oliveira and John Corl serves as assistant director.

And for the trivia buffs: Ben Vereen and Patina Miller won the Tony Award for their portrayals as Leading Player in the original Broadway production and the 2013 revival, making them the first to win the award for Leading Actor and Leading Actress in a Musical for the same roles.

"Pippin" runs July 22nd through August 7th, 2022.

Performances are Friday and Saturday at 8:00 PM and Sunday at 6:00 PM.

Tickets are $25 for adults, $22 for seniors and $15 for students with valid school ID.

Due to recent increases in COVID cases, masks are strongly encouraged. The playhouse requests you be mindful of social distancing when selecting your seats. Please leave an empty seat between groups.

Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling (610) 865-6665.

The photo features Casandra Danudio as a "Leading Player" in a classic Pippin-Fosse pose. The photo credit is courtesy of Corey Mullin.