One of playwright Larry Shues funniest shows is coming to the Pennsylvania Playhouse.

The Foreigner" follows the exploits of Charlie Baker as he tried to fit in as a guest at a Georgia resort-style fishing lodge.

The problem is that Charlie is very shy and doesnt want to have to deal with the other guests.

The solution' Tell everyone that Charlie is a foreigner and doesnt speak or understand English so he wont have to talk to anyone.

But Charlie DOES understand English and is absorbing all the news and gossip that is swirling around him.

He becomes privy to some interesting information but must continue his charade.

The play features Fred Broadbent, Steven Schmid, Jeremy Thompson, Kate Egging, Jim Vivian, Thomas Rush, and newcomer to the stage, Rhonda Manis.

"The Foreigner" Jan 30, 31, Feb 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15. 8pm on Fri & Sat, 3pm on Sunday, and 7:30pm on Thursday at Pennsylvania Playhouse, Illick's Mill Road, Bethlehem.

Tickets are $22; $19, students and seniors (except Saturdays).

Please visit http://www.paplayhouse or call 610-865-6665.