Shawnee Playhouse announces its October performance calendar.

Private Lives by Noel Coward opens in September and runs through October 25.

Noel Coward’s Private Lives continues to amuse because of its glamorous sophistication and witty naughtiness! A comedy of manners in three acts, the play focuses on a divorced couple who, while honeymooning with their new spouses, discover that they are staying in adjacent rooms at the same hotel!

Private Lives

Director Michael Gilbert has taught high school drama for 34 years. He has directed over one hundred and sixty productions in professional, university, high school and middle school theatres. Also an actor, Michael appeared as Henry Mitchell in Sex Please, We’re Sixty at Shawnee Playhouse, and has been cast as Lord Capulet in the upcoming Romeo and Juliet .

Stage Manger ( and Louise in the production) is Amy Cramer. The cast includes seasoned performers, Dan Eash, Juliet Dunham, Patrick Bresnyan and Sarah Landstrom.Running September 25 through October 25Performances in October will be: 2:00 pm October 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 258:00 pm October 3, 10, 17, 24

* Ticket Prices are: $18 Adults and $15 for Seniors over 55, AAA Members and Military* Ticket prices do not reflect ticketing fees

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Kathryn Schultz Miller opens October 16 and runs through October 31.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving's spooky Halloween classic, is presented with all the thrills, chills and laughs that will keep young audiences on the edge of their seats.Sleepy

This adaptation, by Kathryn Schultz Miller, is both funny and simple for a young audience to understand, an important consideration, full of shivers and merriment.

Director is Midge McClosky.

10am October 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31

$10 All Seats * Ticket prices do not reflect ticketing fees

Shakepeare’s Romeo and Juliet, presented by Pocono Shakes opens October 30 and runs through November 8.

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families.

Romeo and Juliet is directed by Richard Rose and features a large cast of talented performers.romeo and julietRunning October 30 through November 8Performances in October will be: 2:00 pm October 30, 317:00 pm October 30, 31

* Ticket Prices are: $18 Adults and $15 for Seniors over 55, AAA Members and Military* Ticket prices do not reflect ticketing fees

To reserve tickets please call the Shawnee Playhouse Box Office at 570-421-5093or visit the website at # # #