Country Gate Players celebrates Halloween weekend, with its original-concept production "The Plan 9 Experience: LIVE" The show will be presented October 29, at 8 pm and October 30, at 2pm, at the Country Gate Playhouse, 114 Greenwich Street, Belvidere, NJ.

"The Plan Nine Experience: LIVE"” is a kind of "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" treatment of the 1957 Ed Wood cult-classic , "Plan 9 From Outer Space."...... arguably "the worst film ever made," As the film is screened, Country Gate's rough-and-ready acting troupe will share the viewing participation with the audience; reacting to the highs and (especially) the lows of the legendary film......providing appropriate wise-cracks along the way.

In addition, the troupe will share some kookie song parodies in testament to the hapless grave-diggers, detectives, aliens and other iconic ne'er-do-wells of "Plan 9".Plan 9 Expereince 4

Through it all, we'll encourage active audience involvement. We encourage (but don't require) audience costumes and may even include a costume parade.

All in all, it should be a fun time. Admission is by donation to the Country Gate Playhouse, as the theatre continues its pandemic recovery. Further information is available on the theatre's website: