Crowded Kitchen Players presents Alexander Ostrovskys Russian comedy, "Too Clever By Half," running June 13 “ 29, 2014 at McCooles Arts and Events Place, 10 S. Main St. Quakertown, PA.

"Too Clever By Half" fol­lows the hilar­i­ous efforts of a shrewd but care­less young man, Yegor Gloumov, who con­trives to rise above his low­born sta­tion in life by climb­ing his way, using any means avail­able, up the social lad­der.

In Gloumovs case, that means pan­der­ing to the dotty wealthy patrons and dis­tant rel­a­tives who hover over him at each suc­ceed­ing level, and by woo­ing their frus­trated wives and their curi­ous daugh­ters.web medium poster

His only obsta­cle' The hubris of his youth, his abid­ing self-confidence, and, above all, his damnable clev­er­ness which allow him to risk los­ing all his ill-gotten gains by keep­ing a detailed diary of his actual goals and his true feel­ings toward the many peo­ple he is deceiv­ing along the way.

Crowded Kitchen Play­ers reg­u­lars and new­com­ers col­lab­o­rate on a Mod Art ver­sion of this time­less tale, fea­tur­ing David "Oz" Oswald, Sarah Thomas, Sharon Ferry, Pamela Wal­lace, Nancy Mikkelsen, Brian Keller, Ellen Blick­man, Ryan Mac­Na­mara, Lauri Beth Rogers, Michael Thew, and Chris Don­ahue.

"Too Clever By Half" runs June 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 & 28 at 8:00pm and June 15, 22 & 29 at 2:00pm.

Tickets: $18, Seniors - $14. Students - $10.

For reservations, call Crowded Kitchen Players at 610-395-7176, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or