The Pennsylvania Playhouse is proud to present the timely classic, "Twelve Angry Jurors", a mixed-cast production of Reginald Roses beloved film Twelve Angry Men, adapted for the stage by Sherman L. Sergel.

A young boy is put on trial for the murder of his father. His fate rests in the hands of twelve jurors, who retreat from the court room to the jury room to deliberate justice.

However, what seems like an open and shut case, turns into a clash of thoughts and ideals when one voice breaks through to advocate for the young boys life.

"Twelve Angry Jurors" presents the very human side of our justice system: twelve people hold the balance of guilt and innocence”and the very real potential for blood on their hands.12 angre

"Twelve Angry Jurors" asks, "What is the value of mans life'", "How much do our own experiences and biases impact our ability to carry out justice'", and "How much would you sacrifice for the sake of doing whats right'"

Tensions rise as arguments fly. As the case gets picked apart and intentions are revealed, the jurors quickly come to realize that the young boy isnt the only one on trial.

The cast includes: Gary Boyer as the Foreman, Jillian McLuhan as Juror No. Two, Shaun Hayes as Juror No. Three, Renata Zumberge as Juror No. Four, Gabe Craig as Juror No. Five, Jenelle Castrigano as Juror No. Six, Parker Ryan as Juror No. Seven, Dara Connelly as Juror No. Eight, John Corl as Juror No. Nine, Trish Steele as Juror No. Ten, Denise Shelton as Juror No. Eleven, Sue Matol as Juror No. Twelve, Michael Sheridan as the Guard/Clerk, and Gene Connelly as the voice of the Judge.

"Twelve Angry Jurors" is being directed by Marian Barshinger and will be playing at The Pennsylvania Playhouse from June 4-6, June 11-13, and June 18-20.

Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30pm. Sunday shows at 3:00pm.

Tickets can be purchased at or by calling 610-865-6665.

Seating will be socially distanced.