There are high-brow shows, low-brow shows, and shows that are light, enjoyable and that leave you feeling good about the evening youre spending with them..

No pretenses, just happy and fun,

Sister Amnesia's Country Western Nunsense Jamboree', running through August 17th at Pines Dinner Theatre, is that kind of show, the third installment of the eight Nunsense plays written by Dan Goggin.

Nunsense JamboreeThree recurring characters are back, including Sister Robert Anne, comically played by Amber Blatt, Sister Mary Leo, wonderfully played by Gwen Swanson Vigorito and Sister Mary Amneisa, delightfully played by Stacey Yoder.

Amnesia lost her memory when a cross fell on her head. She miraculously regains it and remembers that she is Sister Mary Paul, a former country singer.

No one thinks that she should waste her God-given talent; so with some help from the Priests and Nuns, she secures a recording contract and goes out on tour with her fellow brethren to promote her album, "I Could Have Gone to Nashville".

The set is the outside of a barn, with the center doors open so that you can see Oliver Blatt on piano and violin and Gene Kutzler on guitar.

One of the things that makes Pines Dinner Theatre so engaging is their use of live music and competent musicians for their shows.

In previous productions, the soundtrack has been played and orchestrated by Stacey Bechtel, but this time Bechtel is able to take to the stage as Sister Mary Wilhelm, the convent nurse, a no-nonsense, gruff nun, with a heart of gold.

The barn windows open and close as they did in the late 60s TV show, Rowan and Martins Laugh-In. The window opens ...Question ¦"Do you know what the best method of birth control is' Answer¦ "No." The reply, "Thats it!" and the door closes.

This is one of the many banters that fills out the quick word play in this production along with many amusing tunes including "Play A Country Enut," (enut is tune backwards).

All of the cast members are likeable and the singing is strong. The only male in the production, Father Virgil Manly Trott, is played manfully although obtusely by Brian Vigorito. He is the brother of Sister Mary Leo. Back in their hometown they were part of the Trott Family Singers; their "We've got the Trott."is one of the many humorous banters between the two.

You can see and feel that the cast is having fun on stage, I mean who wouldnt want to wear a nuns habit or clergy robe with cowboy hats and sequined embellishments!

Several times the audience becomes part of the show as the cast conducts an auction with actual prizes and later inviting them to sing along by following the bouncing ball, to "We Know That Somewhere Up in Heaven, Youre a Saint, Patsy Cline", a song composed entirely of titles of Patsy Cline song

And now the burning question¦ will Sister Mary Amnesia get to Nashville and leave the order' Youll have to find out yourself, when you enjoy dinner and a show at Pines Dinner Theatre , 448 North 17th Street, Allentown, PA 18104

For ticket information, please call (610) 433-233 or visit

Show Schedule:

Matinees: Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday (12:30 p.m. dinner, 2:00 p.m. show)

Evenings: Friday & Saturday (6:30 p.m. dinner, 8:00 p.m. show)

Ticket Price for Dinner and Show: Adult: $48.50,Senior (60+): $47.50

Child (2-12): $20.00