The Crowded Kitchen Play­ers (CKP)‰“‰the Lehigh Valleys pre­mier com­edy the­ater troupe‰“‰is hold­ing a "Decem­ber Hol­i­day" Full-Length Play­writ­ing Com­pe­ti­tion!

The Crowded Kitchen Play­ers (CKP) will pro­duce TWO win­ning full-length plays in Decem­ber 2015.

Both plays will be pre­sented over three week­ends‰“‰one play on Fri­day, the other on Sat­ur­day and both on Sun­day.

Each win­ning play­wright will receive $100 pro­duc­tion licens­ing fee for the run of the show.

Each will also receive free admis­sion to all per­for­mances of their show for them­selves and a guest.

The com­pe­ti­tion is open to any play­wright eigh­teen (18) or older.

Play­wrights may sub­mit only one play for con­sid­er­a­tion.

Plays must be orig­i­nal, unpub­lished works writ­ten by the author(s).

We are not seek­ing adap­ta­tions or trans­la­tions.

All plays must be cen­tered around the Decem­ber "hol­i­days" (Christ­mas, Hanukkah, Kwan­zaa, New Years Eve, etc.) Plays do not need to be about a spe­cific hol­i­day (these do not need to be a "story of Christ­mas" play) but the play should be set dur­ing a hol­i­day and the hol­i­day should be ref­er­enced in the piece at some point.

More than one hol­i­day may be incor­po­rated but please limit them to hol­i­days which fall in Decem­ber as the shows will be pro­duced in Decem­ber.

Plays will be accepted now through mid­night on June 30th.

For detailed information on the competition, please visit their website