P3 Rocks!!

I write these brief comments as a member of the original troupe who made the unforgettable journey to Inishbofin with The Theatre Outlet in 2000, and I want to give a tip o’ the shamrock to Hizzoner Barlieb and all the lads and lassies of Pints, Pounds and Pilgrims for their creation.

I attended opening night, and while the play bore no relation to the facts of our adventure (as is proper), I felt such an homage to its spirit that when I wasn’t crying from laughing so hard,

I had tears in my eyes from the memories reawakened after talking to Mr. Barlieb at the end of the play. Sincerest congratulations to every cast member for your wonderful performances, to Nora Oswald for her evocatively painted flats, and to my fine friend Ara Barlieb for a real winner with this play.

P3 deserves every kudo it gets. You all rock!