"Wendy, An Adventure in Neverland" Allentown Public Theatre's children's show at St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Allentown turns the story of "Peter Pan" on its ear while still staying true to the playful imagination of childhood.

The original play written by members of APT gives families a head strong main character in Anna Russell's Wendy, who drives the narrative of the story rather than just following Peter Pan around. Russell also directs.

In this version written by Russell, Aaron Fischer, Louise Howard and Willow Reichard-Flynn, Wendy runs away from home (or rather flies away) with Peter after having a fight with her mother, played by Howard.

The playwrights decided to base the play on the very imagination that "Peter Pan" author J. M. Barrie strived to evoke. The set is very simple - only a panel covered with handprints and a a window with a shade that serves as a screen for shadow puppets.

First out is Russell as Tootles, one of the Lost Boys, who she conveys effectively with an unsure bravado.

As Wendy, Russell embodies a strong girl, determined and eager for adventure.

Reichard-Flynn is adorable as Peter Pan, all self-assured cockiness and barely restrained energy as she leaps about the stage.The flying sequences are cleverly done with shadow puppets.

In a fun twist, Howard also plays Captain Hook and Reichard-Flynn is hilarious as a not-too-bright Smee.The doubling of characters reaches a fever pitch in a Keystone Cops style sequences that has the actors displaying impressive costume changing skills.

Since this is all about imagination, Howard's hook is simply her finger curved into a hook which she brandishes convincingly. All sword play also is done with "pretend" swords and a humorously extended death scene for two characters makes it quite clear this is really all just pretend.

But in the end the positive message will warm hearts and teach children a lesson about love and responsibility.

The action is enhanced by performances by a dozen members of the Puerto Rican Culture Preservation. Group founders

Flor Velez and Robert Velez provide a rhythm to the action with their drumming and dancers add a little flair with their traditional dances culminating with oversized masks for the finale.

This is a definitely a fun show with a different perspective on a familiar tale for families to enjoy.

"Wendy, An Adventure in Neverland" plays at6 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, 417 N. 7th St., Allentown. Tickets are free for age 12 and under and pay-what-you-will for adults.Info: allentown public theatre or 888-895-5645.