'Little Shop of Horrors' funny and enjoyable at Shawnee Before they became synonymous with "Disney Animated Musicals" and began collecting Academy Awards for...
'Look Out' from CKP coming to IceHouse in June "Look Out" an original comedy by Brian McDermott opens June 10th at the Charles Brown IceHouse.Crowded Kitchen...
'Love & The Law' offers a trio of musical stories on Muhlenberg Mainstage Allentown, Pa. (April 10, 2019) — The Muhlenberg College Theatre & Dance Department and the Music...
'Love, Sex and the IRS' in Fleetwood Fleetwood, PA, October 12, 2016 -- Fleetwood Community Theatre is presenting the comedy Love, Sex...
'Love, Sex, & the IRS' at PA Playhouse Pennsylvania Playhouse through special arrangement with Samuel French, INC. will present William...
'Marvelous' elements converge at Pines Every show leaves a memory, and The Marvelous Wonderettes left œthe ensemble in mine. As the show...
'Master Choreographers' at Muhlenberg College The Muhlenberg College dance program will showcase world premiere works by eight accomplished...
'Master Choreographers' dance concert, Feb. 11-13, to showcase dance works by acclaimed guest artists and faculty, at Muhlenberg Allentown, Pa. (Jan. 25, 2015) — This season's "Master Choreographers" concert at Muhlenberg College...
'Master Choreographers' dance concert: More than 40 dancers Muhlenberg College will showcase world premiere dance works created by five of the region's most...
'Master Choreographers' dance concert: More than 40 dancers Muhlenberg College will showcase world premiere dance works created by five of the region's most...