The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents "Slow Food", an adult comedy The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents "Slow Food", an adult comedy by Wendy MacLeod for...
The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents “Ghosts of Christmas Past The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents œGhosts of Christmas Past, An evening of holiday one acts,...
The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents “Ghosts of Christmas Past The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents "Ghosts of Christmas Past, An evening of holiday one acts,...
The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents œGhosts of Christmas Past The Outlet at DCP Theatre presents œGhosts of Christmas Past, An evening of holiday one acts,...
The Pale Moon Players Present “It’s A Scream†by David DeBoy The Pale Moon Players are pleased to announce their September production for 2015 is “It’s A...
The Pennsylvania Playhouse has new show dates for "Biolxi Blues" The Pennsylvania Playhouse has new show dates for "Biolxi Blues".The show opens Friday February...
The Pennsylvania Playhouse has new show dates for "Biolxi Blues" The Pennsylvania Playhouse has new show dates for "Biolxi Blues". The show opens Friday February 7th...
The Pennsylvania Playhouse kicks off its 2020 season with Neil Simon's “Biloxi Blues†Directed by Gary Boyer this is the second play in the Neil Simon trilogy following the adventures of...
The Pennsylvania Playhouse kicks off its 2020 season with Neil Simon's “Biloxi Blues†Directed by Gary Boyer this is the second play in the Neil Simon trilogy following the adventures of...
The Pines Dinner Theatre presenting 'Church Basement Ladies' March 31 through May 14, 2017. The Heavenly Musical Hit!Allentown, Pa. – The Pines Dinner Theatre, 448 N 17th St, Allentown,...