'The Producers' a raucous, riotous evening at MunOpCo It's not often you get to enjoy a horrible play.But that is exactly what the cast and crew of...
'The Producers' at MunOpCo in September MunOpCo Music Theatre is kicking off its 89th season with The Producers, a Broadway hit musical...
'The Rat Pack Lounge' at Pines July 7 - August 19 Show: "The Rat Pack Lounge" Playing: July 7 – August 19, 2018 "Swing the Night Away!"Frank, Dean...
'The Real Thing' at Shawnee in April At Shawnee, running April 19 through the 28th will be ˜The Real Thing by Tom Stoppard, presented by...
'The Real Thing' at Shawnee in April At Shawnee, running April 19 through the 28th will be The Real Thing by Tom Stoppard, presented by...
'The Russians Are Coming' to McCoole's with CKP Crowded Kitchen Players presents Alexander Ostrovskys Russian comedy, "Too Clever By Half,"...
'The Snow Ball' being thrown at DCP Auditions will be held for the season opener, A. R. Gurneys 'The Snow Ball', on November 9th and...
'The Snow Ball' being thrown at DCP Auditions will be held for the season opener, A. R. Gurneys 'The Snow Ball', on November 9th and...
'The Tin Woman' coming to Global ImpACTORS Group Global ImpACTORS Group (GIG) is thrilled to announce their production of the engaging comedy/drama The Tin...
'The Tree in the Mirror' mural at Touchstone BETHLEHEM, PA “ A new cross-culturally inspired mural entitled "The Tree in the Mirror" now adorns the...