"Junk" gives intriguing look into world of junk bonds A complex story takes fascinating shape in Northampton Community College Theatre Departments well...
"Let Your Hair Down, Rapunzel" auditions at Pale Moon The Pale Moon Players are holding auditions for their upcoming children's musical "Let Your Hair...
"Little Shop of Horrors" at RCP Reading Community Players upcoming ˜Little Shop of Horrors is a comedy horror rock musical, by...
"Little Shop of Horrors" at RCP Reading Community Players upcoming Little Shop of Horrors is a comedy horror rock musical, by...
"Little Women: The Musical" coming to DCP in August Celebrating 150 years of Louisa May Alcott's beloved story! The adventures of the four March...
"Little Women: The Musical" coming to DCP in August Celebrating 150 years of Louisa May Alcott's beloved story! The adventures of the four March...
"Lucky Malone's Not So Lucky Night" at Pines in Allentown "Lucky Malone's Not So Lucky Night" is coming to Pines Dinner Theatre in Allentown, PA.Pines' press...
"Mamma Mia!" coming to Munopco in October Munopco Music Theatre of Allentown opens its 2019-2020 season with the Lehigh Valley premiere of...
"Mid-Life 2! #WhatDidIComeInHereFor?" playing September 10 through October 24 at Pines Dinner Theatre Allentown, PA “ The Pines Dinner Theatre, 448 N 17th Street, Allentown Pa to open "Mid-Life 2!...
"Moving Stories," a showcase for dance works created by emerging choreographers at Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg College dancers tell their stories through movement, as the Muhlenberg Theatre & Dance...