"The Saint Plays" challenging take on saints' lives Erik Ehns "The Saint Plays" at Muhlenbergs Studio Theatre this past weekend is a challenging and, at...
"Twelve Angry Jurors" live and in-person at PA Playhouse in June The Pennsylvania Playhouse is proud to present the timely classic, "Twelve Angry Jurors", a...
"Ubu Roi" kicks off the Muhlenberg College theater and dance department's spring Mainstage theater season Allentown, Pa. (Jan. 30, 2018) — "Ubu Roi" kicks off the Muhlenberg College theater and dance...
[title of show] nostalgic and timely at Civic Theater The New York Musical Theater Festival (per Wikipedia) "is an annual three-week fall festival which...
2014 NEPTA awards to The Worthington Players Northeastern Pennsylvania Theatrical Alliance (NEPTA) honored The Worthington Players,.at their...
2014 Summer Music Theatre Festival lineup The Muhlenberg Summer Music Theatre festival at Muhlenberg College announces the lineup for its...
2014 Summer Music Theatre Festival lineup The Muhlenberg Summer Music Theatre festival at Muhlenberg College announces the lineup for its...
2015: First six months in review FAVORITE SHOWS SO FAR THIS YEAR (Brian McDermott)My favorite show, so far, was Allentown Public...
2016-17 Touchstone Apprentices Present Fresh Voices Showcase performance features solo and collaborative original work The Fresh Voices showcase returns to Touchstone Theatre on June 2 and 3, 2017. This annual event is a...
33 Variations - running through May 1 at Forge Theatre PHOENIXVILLE, PA. The play simultaneously examines the creative process behind Beethoven's Diabelli Variations and...